Automatically Activate Processes in CRM 2011 Rollup 12

Roshan Mehta, 31 January 2013

Any CRM developer or customizer will know that when you deploy a managed solution, you need to make sure you tick the box that says Activate any processes and enable any SDK message processing steps included in the solution. Without this step, you run the risk of having unpublished workflows and inactive plug-in steps in your system.

With the release of CRM 2011 update rollup 12, this step is already taken care of for you. When you import a managed solution into a CRM system with rollup 12, the Activate any processes and enable any SDK message processing steps included in the solution option is already selected.

 Automatically Activate Processes in CRM 2011 Rollup 12

Be very careful that you don’t untick this option during a solution import, otherwise this can lead to unwanted behaviour in your CRM system.