Create records in Dynamics CRM using MonoTouch

Gayan Perera, 22 September 2009

Here is a preview of creating an account using an iPhone and it being added into Dynamics CRM using our iPhone to Dynamics CRM C# library. We're creating this library to make it easier on us and other Dynamics CRM developers for creating xRM solutions that can leverage the power of touch based mobile devices as well as Dynamics CRM.



Over the coming weeks we will be porting an existing mobile application from Windows Mobile 6.1 to the iPhone using this iPhone to Dynamics CRM C# library.

Challenges so far...

MonoTouch doesn't support web services yet, so we used the raw HttpWebRequest class to make calls to the crm web service. We had to duplicate Request, Response, CreateRequest, CreateResponse, TargetCreateDynamic, DynamicEntity, Property and all the crm specific data types and properties to make this work.


If you'd like to be part of our test team for this library please contact us through the contact us form.

Tip of the Day: If you are trying to make soap calls using raw requests or using javascript and you get a platform error, make sure you remove all spaces/tabs/line breaks from the request!