Goals Management in Dynamics CRM 2011 – Goal Metrics 2

Colin Maitland, 14 January 2013

In my previous blogs I wrote about the components of a Goal Metric and describe the pre-defined Goal Metrics in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.

This blog covers adding a custom Goal Metric for measuring scheduled, completed and cancelled Phone Calls. In my next blog I will look at adding a Goal Metric for measuring scheduled Appointments.

An example of how this can be used is measuring the performance of Telesales Representatives in the successful completion of Phone Calls and the scheduling of follow-up Appointments for Sales Representatives to then complete.

This example uses the following Business Rules:

• Telesales Representatives must schedule/reschedule, complete and cancel a certain target number of telesales calls each week

• Phone Calls are cancelled because they were attempted but not completed e.g. the recipient could not be reach the recipient or they preferred to be called back at a more convenient time.

• Any Cancelled Phone Calls are rescheduled by the Telemarketing Representative by creating a new Phone Call not by changing the Start Date of the existing Phone Call.

• A certain number of completed Phone Calls will then result in the creation of a target number of follow-up Appointment by the Telesales Representative for a Sales Representative to then complete.

This process results in the creation of a measureable history of the total number of calls attempted, made and cancelled and of Appointments scheduled.

The implementation of this process can be optimised using a custom fields and/or workflow and dialog processes but this will not be covered in this example.

• In Progress Phone Calls:  To be measured by counting Phone Calls with a Status of Open, aggregated by Start Date.  Status Reason has not been included in the criteria because there is only one Status Reason for Open Phone Calls. If the Status Reason options have been customised then the Status Reason might need to be included to filter out scheduled Phone Calls not to be included in this count.

• Actual Phone Calls: To be measured by counting Phone Calls with a Status of Completed and Status Reason of Made, aggregated by Actual End Date. The Status Reason has been included to exclude any Received Phone Calls from the count of Actual Phone Calls. 

• Cancelled Phone Calls: To be measured by using the Custom Rollup Field. These are measured by counting Phone Calls with a Status of Cancelled, aggregated by Actual End Date. The Status Reason has not been included in the criteria because there is only one Status Reason for Cancelled Phone Calls. If the Status Reason options have been customised then the Status Reason might need to be included to filter out cancelled Phone Calls not to be included in this count.

The following screenshot shows the Goal Metric with Rollup Fields.

 Goals Management in Dynamics CRM 2011 Goal Metrics 2

To create the Goal Metric:

1. Select Sales, Goal Metrics from Site Map.
2. Click New.
3. Enter the Name.
4. Select Count as the Metric Type.
5. Click Save.

To create the In Progress Rollup Field:

1. Select the Rollup Fields sub-grid.
2. Click Add New Rollup Field.
3. Select Actual (Integer) for the Rollup Field.
4. Select Phone Call for the Source Record Type.
5. Select Open for the Source Record Type State.
6. Select Phone Call for the Record Type.
7. Select Start Date for the Date Field.
8. Click Save & Close.


Goals Management in Dynamics CRM 2011 Goal Metrics 2

To create the Actual Rollup Field:

1. Select the Rollup Fields sub-grid.
2. Click Add New Rollup Field.
3. Select Actual (Integer) for the Rollup Field.
4. Select Phone Call for the Source Record Type.
5. Select Completed for the Source Record Type State.
6. Select Made for the Source Record Type Status.
7. Select Phone Call for the Record Type.
8. Select Actual End for the Date Field.
9. Click Save & Close.


Goals Management in Dynamics CRM 2011 Goal Metrics 2

To create the Custom Rollup Field:

1. Select the Rollup Fields sub-grid.
2. Click Add New Rollup Field.
3. Select Custom Rollup Field (Integer) for the Rollup Field.
4. Select Phone Call for the Source Record Type.
5. Select Cancelled for the Source Record Type State.
6. Select Phone Call for the Record Type.
7. Select Actual End for the Date Field.
8. Click Save & Close.


Goals Management in Dynamics CRM 2011 Goal Metrics 2

In my next blog I will provide instructions for creating two Goal Metrics for Appointments.